
Creative Inspiration: John Wolfe

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John is a well known Halloween prop artist and haunter.

I was introduced to his work years ago when my October decorating started to become an obsession. My old friend Rene e-mailed me that I should check out John's Seasons of Shadows website.

John's work intimidated me. I was blown away by his dedication to creating things of such quality and style that were only seen once a year. Beyond his own props, John often showcased other people's work and helped open the door to a larger world of talented Halloween creatives who, like him, elevate decorating to true art installations. I became a regular reader.

John unselfishly shared prop making techniques and even streamed live video feeds as he worked. This lead me to add more "how-to" posts on my blog.

When Para Abnormal was less than a year old, John wrote a wonderful and complimentary post about my silly webcomic. It was one of Para Ab's first shout-outs on the Internet and it kept me doodling when I thought no one was seeing the cartoons.

Sadly John has become extremely ill and has written a last and thoughtful post.

I wanted to take a moment and express my sincerest thanks to him for the all inspiration he has given.
