Making collages on contact paper has been one of our favorite activities for a long time - I love it because it's easy, entertaining, and doesn't make a mess. Now that we are getting into the Christmas spirit I thought we'd make one with a holiday theme!
As a bonus, you can save and reuse all the materials so it's an activity that can be done over and over again!
Gather several pieces of colorful felt and craft foam along with your Christmas shaped cookie cutters.
Mine loved naming all the shapes and colors while creating a masterpiece.
This activity was so much fun, we will definitely do it again. But, if you want to save your collage, just layer another piece of contact paper on top and press together to seal. Then you can hang it up and show it off!
Looking for more felt Christmas activities for your toddler? Check out my snowman and gingerbread busy bags!

As a bonus, you can save and reuse all the materials so it's an activity that can be done over and over again!
You will need:
- Clear contact paper
- Painter's tape
- Felt and/or craft foam (I used both to have different textures)
- Christmas shaped cookie cutters - mine are from this set (affiliate link)
- Scissors
- Marker
- Cotton balls
- Pom pom balls
Gather several pieces of colorful felt and craft foam along with your Christmas shaped cookie cutters.
Trace your shapes onto the felt & foam and cut out. I made trees, candy canes, gingerbread men, snowmen, bells, ornaments, gift boxes and stockings. You can draw on details if you'd like - I drew faces and buttons onto the snowmen.
Using painter's tape, adhere a large sheet of clear contact paper to a wall or window (I use my sliding glass door) with the sticky side facing out. Give your toddler your cutout shapes and let them play!
I added in some cotton ball "snow" and some small pom pom balls. The pom poms stick to the felt so we used them to decorate the trees!
Looking for more felt Christmas activities for your toddler? Check out my snowman and gingerbread busy bags!
Need something to store your cutouts and craft supplies? Visit my Thirty One gifts site for lots of ideas. (affiliate link)