Please keep in mind that latex balloons can be a choking hazard. Activities should be closely supervised.
1. Balloons in a Box. Set out any box, basket, or large bin that you have (mine is a utility tote, a laundry basket also works great) and let your kids go to town trying to fill it with balloons. This works best when you have more balloons than will fit in your bin, because they have to try to get them in without any popping out! This can also become a good learning activity if you work on sorting or stacking by color.
2. Balancing Balloons. Lay out plastic cups on the floor and have your kids try to balance the balloons on top. We put ours in a big circle and tried to see how many we could get to stay on before they fell over. So fun!
3. Balloon Baseball. My picture is blurry because my toddlers would not stop moving with this one! Just give them an empty paper towel roll and let them bat away at the balloons. Mine loved batting them on the floor and trying to hit my pitches. An awesome way to have some sporty practice inside without breaking anything.
4. Balloon Kick Races. Set up a finish line at the end of the room and see if you can kick the balloon to it! My twins had a blast racing to see who could kick the balloon to the line first, and who could kick it the farthest.
5. Balloon Art. This was probably the biggest hit of all with my little artists. Use the balloons as a canvas for markers. They loved drawing on their balloons and exploring the different ways that they could turn them into works of art. This is also a nice wind down activity after the batting practice and kick races!
Next time you've got some balloons, give these activities a try. And if you're looking for more activities using things you may have around the house, try my 10 Awesome Things to Do with Cookie Cutters too!